Morgan Group Morgan Tue, 08 Dec 2020 06:40:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Morgan Group 32 32 Pharmaceutical Machinery Manufacturers Tue, 08 Dec 2020 06:31:47 +0000 Pharmaceutical tools is a big time period that consists of all the medical tools ranging from pharmaceutical machinery, scientific contraptions and devices to all the healthcare equipment. The clinical merchandise that are supposed to be used in manufacturing and processing of prescribed pills and drugs as excellent as scientific gadgets used for diagnosis, treatment, and evaluation of medical prerequisites fall in the large classification of pharmaceutical equipment.

Pharmaceutical manufacturing is a then once more managed and regulated environment. Almost each technique can be automated; and there is a piece of pharmaceutical manufacturing equipment involved in every step. Below, we have highlighted some every day gear used in regular dose (tablet and capsule) and liquid pharmaceutical manufacturing:

Processing Equipment

Agitators: To combine liquids, to promote chemical reactions and to make giant warmness or cooling transfers.

Blowers: Used in solvent restoration and super evaporation applications.

Boilers: To create steam by using way of capability of way of making use of warmth electrical strength to water.

Capsule equipment: Different tools is reachable to fill, polish, and type capsules.

Capsule and capsule printers: For printing records like drug names or dosage on the tablets or tablets.

Centrifuges: Used for separation of drinks of first-rate densities, or for separation of drinks from solids.

Chillers: To quickly lower temperatures.

Coaters: To coat drugs or capsules with movies like a sugar film.

Cooling towers: Used for cooling drinks or condensing steam.

Dryers and Granulators: For drying liquid preparations into powders or granules.

Heat exchangers: Used to swap warmness from one medium to another.

High Pressure Homogenizers: The most environment friendly fluid processing tools for particle dimension discount and smartphone lysis.

Inspection machines: Allow for viewed inspection of the product as it is moved alongside thru rotating rollers.

Metal detectors: For detecting tramp steel (bits of steel like nuts, screws, or damaged fragments of machinery) that can moreover have contaminated the product.

Mixers: For mixing and particle size reduction.

Ovens: For supplying quintessential warmness or drying.

Pulverizes / Cone mills: Particle dimension good deal equipment for granules.

Tablet press: For producing tablets.

Tablet deduster: For getting rid of any dust created in the tablet press. Often in addition polishes the tablet.

Sifters: For sieving powders or granules.

Spray coating machines: Used for spray coating liquid onto a powder Tanks: For conserving liquids. The below guide is a summary of the steps required on how to apply epoxy floor paints. This guide applies to a simple roller applied two-coat floor. Such floors are suitable for light and medium wear and tear, perfect for garages and storage rooms.

Preparing the surface

Step 1. Prepare the surfacePreparation of the substrate (video) is necessary in order to ensure adhesion between the epoxy product and the substrate. Suitable methods are sanding or diamond-grinding. Any surfaces that have been contaminated with oils may also require chemical cleaning.

Prepare the surface with a suitable floor grinder

Step 2. Sweeping and cleaning of the floor. Use an industrial vacuum that picks up even small dust particles. The floor must be cleaned of all dusts and residues before starting to prime. Otherwise you will have various particles trapped within the coat and adhesion will be significantly weakened. The less micro-dust on the surface the less primer you will need.

Vacuuming dust from epoxy floor

Priming and Filling

Step 3. Prime the floor with a suitable epoxy primer. Always prime the floor, don’t believe claims that priming is not necessary. Priming will give your floor a longer life and better adhesion to the substrate. Furthermore it will seal the substrate thus eliminating the risks of bubbles and gasses. Priming also helps reduce the amount of product that will be required in the later stages. Ensure that the areas are ventilated properly. It is common to coat two layers of primer in order to properly seal the floor. Use a proper electrical mixer to mix the A and B component of the primer.

Priming the surface with epoxy primer

Step 4Fill all cracks, holes etc with epoxy grout. (This step can also take place before priming if you prefer) For thin cracks it may be necessary to slice them with a diamond cutter before filling in order to improve the anchoring of the grout.

Filling cracks with epoxy grout

Applying the epoxy floor coating

Step 5. Application of the first coat of epoxy paint. Empty all the contents of the hardener in the component A. Use an electrical mixer and mix at least for two minutes. Don’t skimp on the mixing! This step is very important. Poor mixing will lead to a tacky floor!

Proper mixing of the two epoxy paint components is very important

Step 6. Apply the product with a roller. Use a good quality roller, as poor quality rollers may start to shed. You should be able to re-coat after 24 hours. The next day you may notice various problems that have appeared such as cracks, holes etc. Make sure that these are sealed-filled before starting the next coat. You may also need to sand some uneven surfaces that appeared after the first coat. If necessary wait an extra dry for the grout to dry before re-coating.

1st coat of epoxy floor coating

Step 7 Apply the final coat. Before placing the final coat make sure all holes and cracks have been filled, and that all dust has been collected. Otherwise you will get an ugly texture on the final surface. Remember most epoxy products have a pot life of approximately 40 minutes (or less) so only mix one bucket at a time and get to work immediately.

PU FLOORING Fri, 04 Dec 2020 12:26:15 +0000 ● Specialist applied, polyurethane resin floor finish, combining outstand wearing properties with decorative properties and high chemical resistance . Ideally suited to aggressive areas where a seamless, joint free finishing is required and maximum cleanliness is essential. Food processing and storage, abattoir’s, drinks production, dairies and general heavy duty plant and traffic areas are just one of the environments that can benefit from this slip resistant system.

  • R 90 CP has been formulated to give an easily worked system that can be applied to provide quickly and easily by using a pin rake, only requiring finishing with a trowel to give the required finish.


  • Easily applied by rake and trowel
  • Hard wearing – abrasion resistant and extremely durable with low maintenance costs
  • Facilitates rapid application
  • Resistant with wide range of chemicals and liquids
  • Independently tested – suitable for using in food and drinks production environments
  • Seamless – easily to clean and maintain high standards of hygiene
  • Resistant to thermal shock – at 9 mm thickness and can withstand steam cleaning regimes


  • Three components solvent free self levelling high abrasion and chemical resistant antimicrobial polyurethane resin floor finish and top coated with polyurethane waterbased Coating to give excellent anti –scratch, dust free matt finish flooring.


  • Excellent mechanical properties
  • Excellent crack bridging property
  • Outstanding life expectancy and performance
  • Good chemical resistance
  • Very high abrasion and impact resistance
  • Excellent flexibility and tensile property

PU Floor Coating

  • Solvent free, low viscosity repair material which may also be used as a coating for application to polyurethane floors Can be extensively used for applications where a thin coating is required to reduce texture or improve your appearance and cleaning. Also suitable for applying as a line marking paint on previously applied polyurethane floors.


  • Hard wearing
  • Resistant with wide range of chemicals and liquids
  • Suitable for using in food and drinks production environments
  • Seamless – easily to clean and maintain high standards of hygiene

Polyurethane mortar flooring systems have been around for almost three decades, designed to exhibit a high cross-linking density, cementitious polyurethane systems are non-toxic, non-hazardous, and highly chemical-resistant and can now be installed more efficiently and effectively. They have been widely used in the food and beverage, food processing and manufacturing globally.

Because of the huge disparity in temperature in a short period of time, Polyurethane mortar flooring is ideal in slaughterhouses, meat/fish/dairy processing, breweries, and heavy-duty industrial food processing and pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities.

Floors in these environments are subjected to abuse, heavy traffic, chemical attack and the most hostile conditions out there. Polyurethane mortars do well in these abusive environments but not every area in a plant will require them. Epoxy systems still rank high on the preferred material selection list; however, trickier and more demanding environments are better suited with a cementitious polyurethane system. Coatings not only need to protect concrete from harmful substances, but from mechanical stress, too. In a cold range of temperature transition, epoxy coatings often become brittle and strained, reducing their ability to withstand mechanical loads. Moreover, this often presents a serious wear problem.

The advantages of applying a polyurethane mortar flooring system are numerous. The cementitious polyurethane makeup has a similar modulus of elasticity to that of concrete. This virtually eliminates differential flexing that is prevalent with most other resins.

There’s no primer needed before applying the mortar, which saves considerable downtime, approximately half. Because of higher odors associated with epoxy coatings, meat/fish and dairy processing areas generally require venting. Fans help to displace the odors. Polyurethane mortar systems contain very low odor and are of no risk to open food products.

In addition to being able to absorb and withstand radical heat and cold temperature change, polyurethane mortar systems also have sound deadening properties. These are particularly beneficial in areas where steel wheels are used in such places as bakeries. Polyurethane mortars can effectively handle abuse from dropped pots and utensils in commercial kitchens. Now, more than ever before, demand is ever-increasing for these cement-based polyurethanes because they can be quickly installed over new and old concrete with little or no substantial downtime.

Polyurethane mortars accomplish two things:

1. They cut the flooring project time almost in half, allowing for rapid application and curing, and polyurethane mortars withstand the test of time in hostile environments where radical temperature shifts, heavy impact and damaging chemical agents are par for the course.

2. Fast return to service, cement-based polyurethanes can be applied to freshly poured concrete, thus eliminating the typical 28-day wait time for the concrete to cure.

EPOXY FLOORING Fri, 04 Dec 2020 12:05:48 +0000 Epoxy flooring systems are a thermosetting resin often applied as a protective and decorative coating on concrete flooring. The strong and durable nature of the system makes it a desirable flooring option for many commercial and industrial applications, ranging from manufacturing facilities and hangars to kitchens and garages.

Top considerations for epoxy flooring system installation and maintenance

Although epoxy flooring systems are relatively easy—and cheap—to install, expertise and precision are key. Coatings that are applied improperly will chip and peel prematurely, while properly installed epoxy flooring systems should be low maintenance and highly resistant to chemical spills and abrasions. This is why it is imperative that you partner with the right commercial flooring contractor—they will be able to guide you from start to finish to ensure your flooring project goes smoothly.

Epoxy coatings are typically applied to concrete flooring to enhance resilience and aesthetic appeal. Prepping the substrate concrete is important, especially when the concrete isn’t freshly laid. An experienced floor contractor will evaluate the substrate for cracks and existing coatings. First, they will remove previously applied coatings and thoroughly clean the surface. Then, depending on the state of the concrete, they might patch cracks with urethane cement. Finally, they will begin the application of the epoxy flooring systems.

From there, maintenance is simple and straightforward. For day-to-day cleaning, vacuuming or sweeping is fine. In fact, it’s recommended that you only deep clean the surface every couple months—in between deep cleans, you can spot clean as needed. When you do deep clean, make sure to avoid soapy products, as they might leave a filmy sheen on your epoxy flooring. Instead, it’s suggested that you use diluted ammonia and hot water.

Overall, epoxy flooring systems should be relatively painless to install when performed by an experienced professional. And, because lifetime maintenance is so easy, epoxy flooring systems are an attractive flooring option for a variety of commercial and industrial applications.

Benefits of epoxy flooring systems

While ease of installation and maintenance are appealing, there are many other factors to consider before choosing the flooring for your next project. Different buildings and different layouts require different features. While a commercial flooring contractor will be best equipped to holistically evaluate your needs and guide you toward the right flooring type, here are several benefits of epoxy flooring systems:

  • Enhanced aesthetic appeal
    Good design welcomes patrons and employees and makes your space look finished and professional. Epoxy flooring systems offer a wide array of stain and color options. A popular design option is to use an epoxy system with colored microchips, and then top with a high-gloss finish. Metallic finishes are also available for those who really want to give a memorable design impression.
  • Smooth, resilient, surface
    When properly installed and maintained, epoxy flooring systems are abrasion and chemical-resistant. For high-traffic industrial and commercial applications, such durability and strength is a must.
  • Low lifetime cost
    While it’s important that a flooring contractor oversees the installation of your epoxy flooring system, the low maintenance needs of the flooring system will ensure that your flooring remains in working condition long into the future at little cost.

A flooring contractor will be able to point you toward the right flooring solution for you, based on application, design and lifetime value.  

Packaging of Pharmaceutical Products Thu, 03 Dec 2020 06:27:14 +0000 The external picture of the package must now not only compliment product confidence, however furnish clear and concise product identification and other features included are:

Package need to provide adequate information related to the contents including felony requirements, route of administration, storage conditions, batch number, expiry date, manufactures identify and tackle and product license number.

· Package aid in patient compliance.

· Package ought to preferably have an aesthetically perfect design.

The fundamental packaging consists of those packaging aspects which have a direct contact with the product (i.e. bottle, cap, cap liner, label etc.). The main functions of the primary bundle are to include and to preclude any chemical, climatic or biological or from time to time mechanical hazards that may also reason or lead to product deterioration. Packaging must additionally feature as a capacity of drug administrations.

The packaging exterior to the important bundle is regarded as the secondary packaging. The secondary packaging commonly provides the additional physical protection indispensable to suffer the secure warehousing and for replenish packaging.

Types of most important and secondary packaging material


Metric scientific bottle, ampoule, vial 



Ampoule, vial, infusion fluid container, dropper bottle  



Wrapper to incorporate important pack 


Box to contain predominant pack


Labels, patient data leaflet

Types of container used as important packaging for liquid orals are:

Single dose containers hold the product that are supposed for single use. An occasion of such a container is the glass ampule.

Multi-dose containers hold a quantity of the fabric that will be used as two or larger doses. An occasion of this system is the more than one doses vial or the plastic pill bottle.

Well–closed containers protect the product from illness with undesirable remote places components and form loss of contents all through use.

Airtight containers are impermeable to solids, drinks and gases at some stage in daily storage and use. If the container is to be opened on greater than one in shape it proceeds to be airtight after re closure.

Light — resistant container protects the contents from the have an effect on of radiation at a wave dimension between 290 nm and 150 nm.

For tightly closed dosage forms:

Tamper – evident containers are closed containers outfitted with a device that irreversibly indicates if the container has been opened.

Strip packages – have at least one sealed pocket of fabric with each pocket containing a single dose of the product. The package is made of two layers of movie or laminate material. The nature and diploma of protection which is required by means of the usage of the contained product will have an effect on the composition of these layers.

Blister packages – are composed of a base layer, with cavities referred to as blisters which incorporate the pharmaceutical product, and a lid. This lid is sealed to the base layer with the aid of way of heat, stress or both. They are greater inflexible than strip applications and are not used for powders or semi-solids. In tropical areas blister programs with a greater aluminum membrane is used which furnish greater protection towards high humidity.

Child Resistant – Containers, many times referred to as CRC’s, are designed to end the child getting access to the probable hazardous product.2

Containers for semi robust and pressurized products:

Semi secure dosage types like ointments, lotions and so on are packed in metallic collapsible tubes. Plastic containers are additionally used for the packaging of creams.

Pressurized functions expel the product via a valve. The stress exerted for the expulsion of the product is an essential consideration whilst figuring out on the packaging for any products.

Raw Material for Pharmaceutical Industry Wed, 02 Dec 2020 07:52:05 +0000 The pharmaceutical company faces a lot of constraints and has splendid specialties, making it stand simply on a outstanding scale than any remarkable organization types. Pharma organization wishes intense precision and care in each and every step ranging from gathering the pharma uncooked elements to get in hand the geared up product for the supply.
Let us get in-depth essential elements about the raw factors used in the pharmaceutical industry. The categorization extraordinarily special the uncooked assets from every and each and each other.
Generally, Pharmaceutical Raw Materials can be labeled into the following three categories:

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs)

Inactive Ingredients or Excipients

Packaging Raw Materials


API is one of the most fundamental factors of the pharma drug which is pharmaceutically energetic and is in charge for the drug action. Accuracy and Precision with the raw sources are two most necessary ought to elements for at the equal time as making API.
Strengths of APIs: There are spectacular requirements to determine APIs electrical electricity in every and each and every drug. Manufacturers are required by means of capability of using way of the FDA to showcase their merchandise effectivity in labs as top as in proper existence through the usage of brain of patients.
The largest API producers are in Asia, in India and China particularly. 


Excipients also recognized as as inactive aspects or drug carriers. Pharma uncooked property used as excipients consist of solvents and awesome such carriers. Excipients furnish bulkiness and steadiness in the drug formulation, alongside with facilitating absorption and preventing denaturation of drugs.
There are pointers via the use of way of global pharmaceutical requirements for the elements to get licensed as a recipient.


Packaging in the pharmaceutical organisation moreover pick out out out to be best and precise. Raw elements used for packaging in the pharmaceutical business corporation business enterprise consists of plastics, polymer, glass, aluminum foil, paper and more. Packaging is made a separate classification for the pharma due to the actuality of the use of a extent of uncooked materials.
Advancement in drug shipping applied sciences is initiating the use of innovative packaging in pharmaceutical sector, growing the demand for extra than a few packaging materials
